These 3 pictures are the top 3 shots that I got from my first roll of film (first time using Ms Helga too)using the expired York Color ISO 200.
1st place..clap clap clap
Coz this picture has a lot of shapes compared to others
Coz it is Istana Negara =)I did a number of double exposure, but none of it were developed! I think the place that I went to (at PeeBeeDee) do not do cross processing. The film I used has 36 exposures but only 18 were developed. I talked to this 'kedai gambar' near my place owner, the lady said maybe 'kedai gambar' PeeBeeDee mixes their chemical to develop. Since nowadays there a only a few who developed their films (me think H0l94 and other L0m0 lovers only) that's y the developers do that because of less demand(not my view k, the owner lady of 'kedai gambar').
I compared my pictures to other H0l94 pictures & found out my pics are not clear or sharp. I wonder why. Maybe there is lack of light (I've read somewhere if take shots during sunny days will be damn awesome.)Thinking of buying the flash lah later.
I also face difficulties in focusing on shots using this TLR, especially the viewfinder. Is it because H0l94 TLR are not good? I have a few shots where I remembered I focused on something else but it took a different view (kenot blame also coz I took the shot while the car is moving!) hihi.
Will try to take shots during sunny days. I have two rolls of slide films but sayang nak guna coz they are quite rare. Maybe I will try the fresh one after this.
Owh, the phrase "Dont think just shoot" is not applicable to me. I have to think so that my pictures will make sense. A lot of pictures made me wondering waddahell? ekhekekhe